Whatsapp Auto Message Tool

Whatsapp Message is a desktop program that helps users to send bulk messages on whatsapp as an one of the digital marketing platforms.


– Add a name list and send auto or manual messages to users by their names.
– You can easily customize the phones you have installed in the program automatically (For example: delete the beginning zero, add 9 in the beginning)
– Thanks to the black list feature, messages are not sent to the same people again.
– After the transactions are completed, gives a successful, unsuccessful and two-in-one report output
– Thanks to the spin feature, you can customize your message as much as you want.
– You can adjust the time according to your internet speed
– You can add random numbers at the end of messages
– You can send texts, pictures and videos
– You can add emoji
– You can use bold, italic and strikethrough content in your message content
– Many different algorithms such as time adjustments, spin feature are available in the program, but it is not possible to guarantee 100% spam.


Whatsapp Message is an automatic batch message, picture, video or file sending program to users who are registered or not in the phonebook on WhatsApp. It sends a message to the target numbers from the number you log in via Web WhatsApp. It is a functional program where you can send information messages to your customers or advertising messages to the number data you have.

Message, Photo and Video Content Management on Whatsapp

Bulk Message sending process
Automatic Group Finding process
The process of Posting and Joining Groups
Process of Exporting the Numbers of Members in Groups
Number Generation and Verification process

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