First impressions for the Good Web Design

There’s only one chance to make the right first impression. Good web design is the key to making that first impression count.

People make snap judgments. It takes only 1/10th of a second to form a first impression about a person. Websites are no different.

It takes about 50 milliseconds (ms) (that’s 0.05 seconds) for users to form an opinion about your website that determines whether they’ll stay or leave.

First impressions are 94% design related.

British researchers analyzed how different design and information content factors influence trust of online health sites. The study showed clearly that the look and feel of the website was the main driver of first impressions.

The first impression of your website depends on:

• Colours

• Structure

• Spacing

• Symmetry

• Amount of text

• Choice of fonts

• And much more…

The better the first impressions are, the longer users will stay on the page.

Some of the key features to focus on to create positive first impressions are:

• A captivating logo

• A compelling navigation menu

• An easy-to-use search box

• An engaging opening image

• Impressive written content

According to studies, first impressions are 94% related to design, visual appeal and website navigation, with the look and feel of a website having the biggest impact on first impressions.

A website is like your calling card on the internet. It’s likely the first thing new customers encounter. This means it’s also a great opportunity to make a great first and lasting impression. If your website’s design falls short, you might lose that potential customer to another business that’s got ‘all the right’ stuff.

Users found the following factors off-putting:

• Complex design

• Boring design

• Busy layout

• Lack of navigation aids

• Pop up adverts

• Slow site loading speed

• Too much text

• Poor search capabilities

• Corporate look and feel

To contrast, a well-designed website enhances the trustworthiness of your website, encourages users to stay put for longer and helps to develop your brand identity.

Customers will leave if they aren’t impressed with the design.

The product or service you’re offering could be the Next Big Thing, but if your website looks like it’s stuck in the ’90s, people will think you are too.

Good design is king when it comes to making the best possible first impression on the web. Web design accounts for an overwhelming 94% of how first impressions are formed over on the web. Unless your business is incredibly niche, the chances are that your customer will be shopping around a few different websites. That is to say, it’s all the more important to make sure your website’s design is up to par, and ahead of the curve when compared to similar businesses in your field.


The attract stage is important. REALLY important. You want to attract people to your business. This can be done in many ways – from the way your business card looks to the way your employees interact with customers. Today, I’ll speak specifically about your brand.

The fix is in the design.

The solution is pretty straightforward. Shockingly enough, it’s just having a well-designed website. You heard that right — good web design is key. Improving your website’s design is the single most effective method of preventing users leaving your site based on a snap judgment. Good design always includes professionally produced assets, such as photography, video and animation. The following are pillars of all sites with good web design.

Measuring first impression with eye-tracking

Study participants looked at screenshots only, so their first impressions were based exclusively on design and didn’t include other elements such as page load speed or video.

Visual components such as color, text legibility and the compelling use of images (particularly, the main image on the page) all played a part in whether users had a favorable or unfavorable response to a given website.


While it may take your visitors less than one second to get a first impression of your website, it can take 5-7 views before a user recognizes your logo. Thus, your company’s logo should be easily recognizable and use colors that are unique, but also pleasing. A unique color can increase brand recognition by up to 80% (e.g., UPS brown, John Deere Green).

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